Thread: medics and guns
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Goreomedy is Offline
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Default 02-10-2002, 09:57 AM

My grandfather served with the US Navy in the Pacific Theater. He was wounded in the Battle of Guadalcanal while serving as a Pharmacist Mate with the 1st Marine Division. Under heavy fire, two of his medic crew ran ahead to a fox-hole while he assisted those giving covering fire. When it was his turn to move, he ran towards the fox-hole, his brothers-in-arms waving for him. Just as he reached the hole, a shell landed within, killing both medics inside and throwing my Grandfather against a tree. He woke up in traction.

By his accounts, he and his fellow medics carried small sidearms after fortifying positions(like Henderson Airfield at Guadalcanal), but they commonly went without arms during the rather uneventful beach landing and first trecks into the jungle.

The japanese airstrikes were random and from such a high altitude that no person, no matter what class, was safe. So, to those medics in combat, all bets were off.

The Geeneva convention had a lot of absurd rules that were ignored during the heat of battle. For example, if a medic were to come across a wounded enemy soldier, they were obligated to give them aid.

In reality, the only aid given, was a single shot to the back of the skull.
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