02-10-2002, 01:10 AM
Well you dont have to blame us for your high prices!!
As far as I see you dont know where Ecuador is, how much time do you think it will cost a bus from Ecuador to Brasil or USA.
My country is very poor and prices in almost everything are very high this is in majority because as american politics to treat south americans just as drug providers.
And if you want to blame someone, you can make your complaint to millions of millions of people who copy games, and of course your gobermnetal restrictions to countries like mine
Here in Ecuador for example due American exportation politics, a game such as MOHAA which cost around 50 dollars in the United States in the case u want to buy it original here you found it in around 150, 200 dollars.
So this really sux!!, so you´ll never find original games, always 5 dollar copies for one CD game, and 12 dollars for 2 cd games.
And for the registration number, even copies here had.
And i can bet blindly if I put you here in Ecuador to have the chance to buy LEGALY an original 200 dollars game and the 12 dollars copy of the same game you´ll choose the copy, I´ve seen almost everyday people from all around the world do this here!!!
Ah!!! and of course, here in Ecuador, mostly the Playstation market is ruled by 6 dollar copies also, and guess where they came from!!!! the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and I can bet that the Brazilian market also deals with this copy problem!!
So please dont blame us, Ecuadorean people are one of the most humild and working people of americans, the problem is that we are ruled by an small corrupt minority, this DONT mean we all like them.
Muito Obrigado for your comment anyway.
OH, what about the shaking scope??