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Default 02-10-2002, 03:41 AM

aww yes i remember in my days in korea comp game for 15 bucks (original) after its been released for 2 months 30 bucks for new one 5 bucks a disk for copied (pc,ps,segan) no matter what kind it was piracy is here and will stay as long as companies want to charge outrageous prices to overseas people i will say this i never pirated a pc game tho but i have bought about 400 playstation games that cost like 5000 won ($3.50) and will never feel guilty about it because if i wanted original copy playstation game i would have to pay 80-100 bucks for a american,euor or jap version of the game cause it is all imported so unless the the cheapos pirate in american i can see bein mad at us americans pirating games in america cause we get them at cheap affordable prices anyway but in other countries they dont cause everyone wants to tax like crazy so piracy actually helps these companies in the foregn markets cause people know they can get the game will buy the comp or consoles then buy the pirated version of the game but for it to be pirted several thousand people who copy the games and distribute buy the game themself cause they can afford it and when these people do get a chance to go to usa or japan or london they will buy real games there its just to expensive in most foreign countries to afford such so before u start squabling bout piracy please thing about that
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