Thread: School Thread
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Default 03-15-2004, 09:35 PM

Hell at least your school spends its money wisely. My school is spending its money on a new "state of the art" football stadium. Same thing for our b-ball gym. LOL THey just spent so much money "remodeling the floor" and now they are destroying it. My school has 2600 students in it. We have 3 lunches, and it still can barley hold the students in it and we have lunch for 18 minutes and that includes waiting in line with 800 people in a cafateria about the size of a dmv room. So I would wish i had a cafeteria with Mc.Donalds and shit and secuirty cameras lol we have 2 in the whole school! And that "state of the art" football stadium is going towards our "great football team" which finished 7th! Out of 9! WOW Congrats North Carolina you spend your money well! Also we are out of paper (the school that is) We have no paper for the teachers and we have been out since Sept.!

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