Originally Posted by ChRoMeBuLLeT
Originally Posted by Fireal
Originally Posted by ChRoMeBuLLeT
Fireal, as much as u enjoy it, please remove d*ck from ass BEFORE posting.
thanks, gg.
and thanks guys, i forgot how much these forums have changed, used to be flames here and there but it obviously has changed are nicer to post at.
thanks for the comments
which two should i use?
Great, another GREAT poster like you... annoy:
Plz die in a ditch, or become clever. KTHX
still talking... I said were done with the flames nub
Done with the flames? Im not the one that fuckin' started it. And 'nub' how i miss that word of the whiny 12 year olds, in CS. Running around getting owned and screaming 'HACKER, YOU NUB'.
How did you start it you say? Well, i will tell you. I was mearly commenting on your work, saying its crap. Because that is MY opinion on youe work. Im entitled to have one, and I am entitled to voice that in the thread you post, showing your work. You're the one that took offence, and came up with crappy insults about myself. Its old and re-used.
Thank you, come again.