02-11-2002, 07:38 AM
I did this mission in HARD. Well, I only play in hard, never tried medium or easy level. I think to myself, let me see what those level designers had in mind for the hardcore gamers. This mission wasn't easy, of course. But, after trying some alternate ways, I found one that was sort of easy, so to speak. First, I killed all the outside enemies in stealthy way. There were two of them, at the entrance of the second house, that I couldn't kill in stealthy way so I let them alive. Then, I entered the first house (the one alone) and headed to the upstairs, killing everyone in sight and going towards the objective. As soon as I got to the first switch, I turned the alarm off and went downstairs. The alarm will go on again, automatically, so, I had to kill some more guys that were entering the house, coming from outside, turned off the alarm again and headed to the lower part of this house, to another objective. On the way up, alarm is on again, more kills, than I switched the alarm off again. Then, I headed to the guard house that exists besides the second house to turn off the alarm again (it was on automatically again, it is a hell!). Here comes the secret. Taking cover in this guard house, I kept killing all the enemies that showed up coming from the 2nd and 3rd houses and always turning the alarm off. After some massacre, they stopped respawning and I didn't have to set the alarm off again because it stopped turning on automatically. Then, believe it or not, I was able to enter the second and third house and kill everybody, again in stealthy way (my preferred weapon in this whole game is the high impact silenced weapon number one - it rocks!). Before going for the last almost impossible part of the level (the running to Manon's truck), all the map was clean of enemies and I could walk around in peace; if I set the alarm on, they respawn so I left it alone, of course. When the houses were clean, I exploded the two tanks, one at a time; when a tank explodes, three enemies spawn but it is easy to kill them. I believe that only the enemies in black clothes (higher degree german military) can set the alarm on and I believe that they do not respawn so the secret is to kill those bastards. I'm not quite sure about this but I'm almost sure. I have to do the level again and pay more attention to them.