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TrenD*KilleR is Offline
Posts: 35
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Tennessee
Default 02-11-2002, 11:15 AM

Canuck, they usually had to turn them in to get there regular weapons when they got back in the rear they always went through a supply station and turned broken e-tools worn out equipment it was replaced with new equipment if it was available, most regular infantrymen would rather the M1 if they had to use a Thompson, if they trained for 2 yrs. with the M1 why would they ditch it for a weapon they aren't used to? When I was in the USMC, I carried an M16 for 3 yrs when I became a fire team leader I had to carry an M203/M16 I hated that damn weapon, I would've ditched that 203 in a sec in combat.

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