Thread: Fu**ed up SH!T
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Default 03-22-2004, 12:30 AM

Originally Posted by Pachabel
Not a problem. Just get a few other guys with shovels, then find out where they hang out and clean house. Motherfuckers. I mean, vampires aren't real.... and neither are fairies. What I'm trying to stay is only insane people dress up like imaginary things. That, or disillusioned middles-class caucasian teenagers. If that's the case, a solid garden spade to the mug will cure them right out.

Another benefit to smoking the ringleader's face in -- is as you illistrated before; his second coming with all the weapons he borrowed from his crazy vietnam-vet uncle. I'm sure whatever school Snipey goes to can use a good ol' genetic purging VIA automatic weapons.
This is why I love you, Innoxx. biggrin:
Your intelligent satire is a much need element of this place.

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