Thread: Horror Movies
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Horror Movies
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Default Horror Movies - 03-22-2004, 12:44 AM

I dont know if this is just me but whenever I watch a horror movie I always think that whatever happened in the movie is really gonna happen so I getll freaked out and shit and turn around to every noise, I dont kow why, its kinda wierd cause I love to watch them and I have no proba while but its just like after the movies over I think some monster is gonna jump out. And its really bad when its a true story I couldnt drive down a country road for weeks after watching Texas Chain Saw Massacre because I live in Travis county which all made it worse. And since Im a Catholic Im still freaked out that the Devil might posses me like in The Excorsist and every time someone gets sick camping I only drink from bottled water since I wathced Cabin Fever. Its stuff like that that always happen, yet Im addicted to watching horror movies!
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