Thread: Horror Movies
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Pachabel is Offline
Posts: 62
Join Date: May 2003
Default 03-22-2004, 01:06 AM

Originally Posted by Pachabel
You sir, are a pansy. It's a fucking movie, quit shovelling pumice up your axewound.
Not all are JUST movies, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Excorsist, Darkness Falls, 3 Little Pigs, The Catcher. And movies that could happen, 28 Days Later (there have been viruses transmitted through blood and siliva that make ppl go crazy and go on rampages that have no cure and spread fast), Cabin Fever (there is several flesh eating viruses, but ppl are smarter then that)
And these are just a few examples, yes Hollywood does exajerate A LOT but also a lot is possible that comes from these movies.[/quote:8f453]

Filthy Cumshots #5 could happen in real life too, but I wouldn't freak out enough to post about a sloppy spit-job I got behind the Chinese store.

You could however, watch some good movies and talk about them.
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