Thread: Horror Movies
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Default 03-22-2004, 07:38 PM

I talked to my priest about him performing excorisms and he said hes performed over 50 excorsisms! And already 6 this year! Evn though he doubts most were acually possesed, but some he said were almost defiantly possesed!!

I also went down that old road and to the house were the cainsaw massacre dude was suppose to live in with my friends it was scary shit, there were a lot of dead animals and the whole road was covered in roadkill but its not even a very traveled road! There was also a big rectangal shape were his house was suppose to be and it was just a wierd rectangal with nothing in it it was like dead there, no trees or grass, or rocks, just a big rectangual of flat dirt.

And Ive heard a ghost before in the USS Lexington, and my Great Grandmas house. In the Lexington I was going to bathrom in the night and all of a sudden all the lights and water in the showers went on and off, it scared the shit right out of me, but I could do anything cause I was sitting on the pot, the next time I went I had to go at night again, and as soon as I entered the room the toilet to my left started to flush and the handle moved!!!! And of course I was going in the bathroom that was suppose to be the haunted one... And when I was at my Great Grandmothers after she died, My Great Grandfather had been murdered by the Mafia in Chicago in that house, and ever since my Great Granmother had claimed to see him, and even have sex with him about 20 years ago, she died 2 years ago in the night and when she was found she was in the basement with the scariest face ever on her, she looked so frightened and she just looked deformed almost, when I was there after the funeral my brother was to afraid to go in the basement to get a toy he dropped down the stairs so I went down to get it and couldnt find it, I finally found it but it was on a bookshelf!! And there wasnt anyone to put it up I quickly grabbed it, turned and ran as soon as I turned I swear I saw and Shadow right were my Great Grandmother and father had died, BTW they both died in the same spot in the smae positon only my Great Grandfather had a knife in him and my Great Granmother was just scared to death.
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