Thread: Horror Movies
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Default 03-22-2004, 10:57 PM

Originally Posted by Pachabel
You sir, are a pansy. It's a fucking movie, quit shovelling pumice up your axewound.
Not all are JUST movies, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Excorsist, Darkness Falls, 3 Little Pigs, The Catcher. And movies that could happen, 28 Days Later (there have been viruses transmitted through blood and siliva that make ppl go crazy and go on rampages that have no cure and spread fast), Cabin Fever (there is several flesh eating viruses, but ppl are smarter then that)
And these are just a few examples, yes Hollywood does exajerate A LOT but also a lot is possible that comes from these movies.[/quote:b929d]

Okay, judging from your poor spelling and callow descriptions, I can gather that you're like 12 years old, and therefore still in the pee-your-pants-at-horror-movies phase, and I eat jesuscakes.

Well, you'll get over it soon - just hang in there, Junior.

P.S - Texas Chainsaw Massacre is barely based on truth. The only truth to it, is the 'leatherface' character - and he is only BASED on the truth.
There were no stupid fucking teenagers, and the entire story is pretty much all lies and shitty pewp stains.

The Exorcist - Don't even get me started on this fucking pile of lies. You're catholic - good for you, but why would you listen to a guy whos whole basis for a career is molesting small boys for fun?
BTW - Don't go into the small room in the back of the church if Father Mo'lesterchild asks you. You'll have a sore rim and bucket.

Darkness Falls?? Please. You think some old dead hag is going to come back to life after hundreds of years? There is absolutely no way in hell that that weak fucking shitty b-level movie is going to reflect reality.
Why the fuck are you watching shitty horror movies anyway??

The Catcher - Are you fucking kidding me!? Oh jesus, that movie sucked so bad. Sucking harder and longer than Innoxx ( = LOTS of sucking). How the fuck could that shit be true??

Okay - that should keep your mind at ease.
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