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belly is Offline
Posts: 60
Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 02-11-2002, 12:21 AM

hi all here is my prob. i can set up a multiplayer server on a non dedicated option and tick the box for gamespy and it runs fine people can see it and join although i cant see it on my other lan machine on the gamespy network i run behind a router and firewall but have opened up the required port to the dedicated machine. If i run a dedicated server no one seems to join i have tried using mohaa dedicated server launcher as well. here is my launcher console script please help im new to server setups thanx.

--- Common Initialization ---
Medal of Honor Allied Assault 1.10 win-x86 Jan 22 2002
----- FS_Startup -----
Current search path:
E:MOHmainpak6.pk3 (61 files)
E:MOHmainPak5.pk3 (259 files)
E:MOHmainPak4.pk3 (593 files)
E:MOHmainPak3.pk3 (669 files)
E:MOHmainPak2.pk3 (4722 files)
E:MOHmainPak1.pk3 (772 files)
E:MOHmainPak0.pk3 (11175 files)

18251 files in pk3 files
execing default.cfg
execing menu.cfg
execing newconfig.cfg
Config: unnamedsoldier.cfg
execing configs/unnamedsoldier.cfg
couldn't exec localized.cfg
execing autoexec.cfg
Unknown command "fov"
couldn't exec custom.cfg
...detecting CPU, found Intel Pentium III

------- Input Initialization -------
Initializing DirectInput...
Couldn't set DI coop level
Falling back to Win32 mouse support...
------- Input Initialization Complete ------- 12
You are now setup for easy mode.
Winsock Initialized
Opening IP socket: localhost:12203
Hostname: dikos-shitta
--- Common Initialization Complete --- 1693 ms
Working directory: E:MOH
Loading Localization File global/localization.txt
------ Server Initialization ------
Server: dm/mohdm1
^~^~^ Box data is corrupted for 'models/human/allied_pilot/allied_pilot.skd'
^~^~^ Morph targets data is corrupted for 'models/human/allied_pilot/allied_pilot.skd'
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/miscobj/book_closed_thin_green.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/miscobj/drinkglass.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/miscobj/book_closed_thin_blue.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/miscobj/book_closed_thick_lavender.tik
------ Server Initialization Complete ------ 5.32 seconds
execing server.cfg
sv_maxclients will be changed upon restarting.
g_gametype will be changed upon restarting.
------ Server Initialization ------
Server: dm/mohdm1
^~^~^ Box data is corrupted for 'models/human/allied_pilot/allied_pilot.skd'
^~^~^ Morph targets data is corrupted for 'models/human/allied_pilot/allied_pilot.skd'
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/miscobj/book_closed_thin_green.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/miscobj/drinkglass.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/miscobj/book_closed_thin_blue.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/miscobj/book_closed_thick_lavender.tik
------ Server Initialization Complete ------ 2.82 seconds
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/dummy.tik
Hitch warning: 8217 msec frame time
Hitch warning: 814 msec frame timeHitch warning: 661 msec frame time
Hitch warning: 885 msec frame time

Hitch warning: 7040 msec frame time
Hitch warning: 763 msec frame time
Hitch warning: 843 msec frame time
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