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Posts: 312
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Location: Boston MA
Default 02-11-2002, 12:28 AM


I'm not too sure why you're not showing up on Gamespy, but I see a small error I think.
Concerning the fact that this is displayed TWICE:

------ Server Initialization ------
Server: dm/mohdm1
^~^~^ Box data is corrupted for 'models/human/allied_pilot/allied_pilot.skd'
^~^~^ Morph targets data is corrupted for 'models/human/allied_pilot/allied_pilot.skd'
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/miscobj/book_closed_thin_green.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/miscobj/drinkglass.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/miscobj/book_closed_thin_blue.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/miscobj/book_closed_thick_lavender.tik
------ Server Initialization Complete ------ 5.32 seconds
execing server.cfg
sv_maxclients will be changed upon restarting.
g_gametype will be changed upon restarting.
------ Server Initialization ------
Server: dm/mohdm1
^~^~^ Box data is corrupted for 'models/human/allied_pilot/allied_pilot.skd'
^~^~^ Morph targets data is corrupted for 'models/human/allied_pilot/allied_pilot.skd'
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/miscobj/book_closed_thin_green.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/miscobj/drinkglass.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/miscobj/book_closed_thin_blue.tik
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/miscobj/book_closed_thick_lavender.tik
------ Server Initialization Complete ------ 2.82 seconds
^~^~^ Add the following line to the *_precache.scr map script:
cache models/fx/dummy.tik

It would seem that you have a starting map and a maxclients set in BOTH your command line and your config file, when it should only be in one or the other.
I don't think this is causing your GAMESPY problem, but it's something that you should fix anyway.

Couple things to also check -
make sure your config has :

sv_gamespy 1 (0 = off)
sv_maxping xxx
(make sure the MAXPING setting is not TOO low, this will prevent people from connecting)

Other than that, you mentioned a router and firewall situation, chances are the problem lies in that area, some have mentioned having to run in DMZ mode. I don't run a router, I only had to open port 12203 on my firewall and all was fine. There is some documentation on routers and firewalls, but I don't have the link off hand. I think some of the ports to be concerned are 12201, 12202, 12203, 12210, 12230. There may be more.
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