Thread: Horror Movies
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Zap. USMC is Offline
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Default 03-23-2004, 07:07 PM

One movie that always freaked me out when I was a kid was a movie about a "dummy", something like "Childs play" but not that same movie.. I'm still trying to find it but its about a little boy who gets a "dummy" for a present or something and then he "hangs" it or some shit and then it eventually comes alive. One night the parents are gone while the kid is alone in his bedroom, someone calls and the dummy is awaken and then the dummy does some wierd shit and puts the kid on the wall (had some sort of magic) and then the parents eventually come and save the day. Haha while this is all from memory that's my short plot of the movie. I watched it when I was like five or six and I was scared shitless of the dark until I was like twelve.

One movie that I watched about six years ago was Stephen Kings "It" with that fuckin clown. I've never liked clowns before and watching this movie made it 10x worse... it wasn't that scary but I tell ya some parts freaked me out and even his "laugh and smile" was scary... haha anyone else watch it ?
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