03-25-2004, 11:09 AM
I cant help but wonder why gays didnt show themselves until "recently". I mean why not be all openly gay in roman times? Oh thats right, they would have fucking killed you. See why i say change is bad? Frankly you want to ram... god i cant even finish that sentance. The jist is do it in private. Theres no need for a fucking marrage license and bullshit. OMFG no tax break... oh well, you get to ram... yeah, still cant do it. The jist is you still have your "life partner". That should be enough... FOR ANYONE.
I dont see why the state has to be involved at all. Fuck tax breaks, and other shit. There shouldnt be a need for a license. What hte fuck is its purpose? I get my drivers license i get to drive. I get a marrage license it lets me live and sleep with the same person everynight, have joint bank accounts, and so on... Oh wait, i can do that without some stupid peice of paper. Bah... the world is so full of useless shit that could be trashed or replaced with simpler les annoying versions.... i fucking hate the world.