Originally Posted by Zen
Guys , Don't get off-topic. We did a 10-15 page thing on Gay marriage , if you want to know someones veiws on it look up that thread.
This thread is about the said county not issuing ANY marriage licences.
Which is actually a positive standpoint in the on-going change sweeping our country.
I'm gonna share a story :
Once apon a time in this country a married woman was the possestion of her husband. Not much different than the house , dog or horse. A man could do with his property whatever he wanted , even "dispose" of her or sell her.
Some time later , woman wanted freedom.
Everyone Screamed " What!? How could a woman do anything but housework and make babies! "
They said " God would not allow it!"
Riots broke out and great protests swept the nation.
We decided that woman are people too , and they became more free.
Quite some time later a black man and a white woman wanted to get married. It was ok for a white man to have sex with a black woman , but a white woman with a black man was considered rape.
Everyone Screamed " What!? How could a white woman "love" a black man! "
They said " God would not allow it!"
Riots broke out and great protests swept the nation.
We decided that black men are people too , and we allowed interracial marraige.
Yesterday a man and a man decided they wanted to get married. Though openly present in our society for more than 50 years , this came as a huge shock to the whole country.
Everyone Screamed " What!? How could two men have a familly! "
They said " God would not allow it!"
Riots broke out and great protests swept the nation.
How do you think this story will end?
The point of the matter is that our society is constantly changing.
Our ideals and common pratice will change with it.
Everyone is afraid of change , thats natural. But change always wins and we must accept it as just that.
This counties decision is just an example of how this change is affecting our government and the people of our country.
One more thing....
Eames ,
Shut up. This country is founded on the idea of no religious prosicution. We are free to believe whatever we want. If I moved to Russia I would not have that freedom so I belong here too.
I'm not Christian , and I don't believe in your god.
Does that make me part of your minority list too?
By the way I'm White , Southern , Irish , and from Florida.
you just said everything i was going to say, and most of the people on this messageboard that are againts it are most likely doubting there own sexuality.