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Command Sergeant Major
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Default 03-25-2004, 05:40 PM

[quote:ca280]get over it, most americans are christians. you dont like it? move to russia and see where state atheism gets you.[/quote:ca280]

That would be CATHOLOCISM you confused piece of shit. Yanno, the Catholic Church. The Pope. Not Christianity. If you're going to be an ignorant-asshole, at least get it correctly.

[quote:ca280]marriage is just an abstract idea.[/quote:ca280]

Marraige has been defined for some time now. It's the left and the right who disagree on what "marraige" is, and we get into a war of words, with the left pointing to it as a religious arrangement and therefore uninfringable by the government, and the right stating it is basically a government program much like welfare. Get educated.

[quote:ca280]Espically when the president is asked how he knows for a fact, that gay marriages are wrong, and his answer is "I just know".[/quote:ca280]

How do you know "gay marraige" ISNT wrong?

[quote:ca280]this is where we are going...[/quote:ca280]

Hardly. Folks said after WW2 communism was a huge threat. It wasnt. Folks said during gas-rationing we were headed for Armageddon. We werent. Folks have been saying for years global warming is going to fuck us up big time. Temperatures have risen 1 whole degree in the last 100 years. Shocking.

[quote:ca280]I mean why not be all openly gay in roman times? Oh thats right, they would have fucking killed you.[/quote:ca280]

History would disagree with you.

[quote:ca280]you just said everything i was going to say, and most of the people on this messageboard that are againts it are most likely doubting there own sexuality.[/quote:ca280]

What a ridiculous statement to make. While I agree that some "outrage" to homosexuality is based in some part on a confused sexual orientation (that does NOT automatically translate to homosexual desire), to make a blanket statement like that undermines any comment you could really make.
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