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Albert Einstein is Offline
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 02-12-2002, 06:47 AM

No offense, but most of you guys here can be quite clueless. You talk trash about things you don't know jack about. And you can't even understand what someone writes. He was saying that the game is not supposed to be a history lesson, so it didn't need the swastikas.

I can understand disliking Christians, since most people who claim to be Christian are not. Some even have a "holier than thou" attitude while doing nasty things to others, which makes others hate "Christians." So it is not Christians you dislike, but those who falsely claim to be.

People think they are Christian just because they say they are. But there are requirements. If I say I am a painter, does that make me a painter? Or do I actually need to paint? A Christian is someone who follows Christ. So ask yourself if you follow Christ. Do you do what he did or even believe what he believed and taught? "No, but I'm still a Christian." Yeah, right. Anyone can write a review claiming to be a Christian review, but is it?

Just for the record, if you read the Bible you'll find that Jesus and his closest followers taught: don't forbid priests from marrying, don't forbid eating of meat on certain days, most people won't go to heaven but will eventually be brought back to life on earth, all Christ's followers have to try to teach others his teachings, Jesus was not the Almighty God but was inferior to him, etc. Go look it up. Then ask if the major "Christian" religions teach all of this.

As far as all denominations needing to update their views on the world, that may be true, but maybe not in the way you think. If they claim to be Christian, then yes, they should update them to what Jesus taught. Updating them beyond that, to 'newer' or 'more modern' ideas is up to them. But then they really shouldn't call themselves Christians anymore.
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