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Albert Einstein is Offline
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 02-12-2002, 07:12 AM

Also, about being sons of God: If you had 1 "real" son who was conceived by you and your wife, and 4 million sons whom you adopted, how many of your sons would have your genetic traits?

Whether you believe in the Bible or not, here is what it says on that. The Bible says that God created Adam as a perfect human who would never have to die, and so would never go to heaven but live on earth. He already had angels for heaven, and he made humans for the earth. Humans were not made to be independent from God, but actually NEED to obey him and receive life from him. Because Adam disobeyed God, he became imperfect, tainted, and would eventually die. Since all of his children were concieved after that, they were all imperfect too. It's what we now call genetics.

So God caused Mary to conceive Jesus, a perfect son with his father's traits. Later Jesus, by dying without ever sinning, was able to balance the scales of justice that Adam unbalanced, paying the price of 1 perfect life so that all imperfect humans wouldn't have to die forever. Even 60 billion imperfect adopted sons would never balance the scale that 1 perfect son could. Jesus' death made it possible for the imperfect sons of Adam (all humans) to become adopted sons of God by obeying him. By doing so, they can receive an inheritance of a promised land, an earth restored to its original state before sin, death, pain, cruelty, etc.

You don't have to believe it's true, but it's what the Bible says. In fact, that's what the whole Bible is about, in a nutshell. How's that for a cliff note?
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