02-12-2002, 04:20 AM
Ugh. I'm outta this thread cuz I'm tired of people quoting the bible when scholars are finally admitting that the bible has been added to, rewritten, edited, you name it, it's been done. Why wasn't the Nag Hammadi, Pistus Sophia or Dead Sea Scrolls in the bible? Why were the canonical gospels the only ones included in the NT? Because over the years the people at the top had to sell their product (religion)... Even the top dog (Pope) has done lovely documented evils throughout the ages, and yet he talks directly to God. sha.
Answer this: God created all, correct? So is he good or evil? Most would say good because he created goodness... but he also created all of the evil. Just think.... rape, poverty, murder... all of those things were originally created by God just as much as love, devotion, honor and courage. I would think God is neutral, judging by what we know. I would think all of the peoples that were smitten "in his name" would agree over the ages...