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Albert Einstein is Offline
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Default 02-13-2002, 04:25 AM

Some people have mentioned the idea that God created good and bad, that the Bible can’t be trusted, because it contradicts itself, and changed over the years, etc. These are common misconceptions that can be cleared up by looking at the facts.

First let me say that I don’t think anyone should put stock in the Bible or anything else without being convinced of the facts. I wouldn’t. I would expect that any book claiming to be from the creator of the universe would at least be accurate, harmonious, and beneficial. If you see apparent contradictions, then investigate them.

However, many people have their own agenda, which includes trying to discredit the Bible, and/or God. Why? Well, think about it. And look at some of the above posts. Most people want to do whatever pleases them, not what pleases God or anyone else. Physical pleasure comes first. But this doesn’t agree with the Bible. Well, if you don’t want to have to change your life to agree with God’s teachings in the Bible, all you have to do is convince yourself that either the Bible or God need not be listened to or trusted. The human mind has an incredible ability to believe what it wants. There were people on the Titanic who chose to believe it wasn’t sinking, so they drowned needlessly.

Anyone can make a statement that the Bible contradicts itself, or has changed, etc. That’s easy. But where is the proof? It seems like most of these people haven’t even read the Bible or done the research. They just quote critics. I have done much research into the subject, and have been amazed to find that any such argument that someone has put forward has been disproved.

It is true that people have distorted what the Bible says to suit their own desires and to sell their religion to the masses. In fact, it was kept in Latin for a long time so common people couldn’t read it. Why? Because the Bible would contradict what the religious leaders were saying. That’s because the Bible had not been changed. Even today many religious leaders, from religions based on the Bible, say you don’t have to listen to the Bible. Because they want you to listen to them instead. But the Bible still hasn’t changed. Look at any translation, they say the same thing with different words.

It is funny that the argument was made that the Bible has changed over the years, purposely so in the Middle Ages, and the Dead Sea Scrolls were mentioned. Funny because the Dead Sea Scrolls, discovered in 1947, were much older than the Middle Ages, some from before Christ, yet when compared to scrolls from the Middle Ages and later, they were found to be almost identical word for word, proving they had not significantly changed. Did you know that for centuries there were copyists who’s job was to copy the scrolls, word for word, with no mistakes. If even 1 little mistake was made, the entire copy had to be destroyed. So they took it very seriously and carefullly. The result is that in the year 2002 we have around 6,000 ancient handwritten copies, from different centuries, of all or part of the Hebrew Scriptures, and 5,000 of the Greek, to compare, and they all agree.

Consider the facts that the Bible is actually a collection of 66 books written in 3 different languages over a period of 1,600 years by 40 men of different occupations, including kings, generals, doctors, shepherds, and fishermen. Just try getting 40 men of the same language, religion, and profession to each write a book in the same year that agrees with the others. You will get all different opinions, contradictions, inaccuracies. Yet amazingly this is not true of the Bible.

Take another example: the 2 different genealogies of Jesus. This is an old standard that people fall back on to “prove” you can dismiss the Bible. The simple answer is that one is his mother’s genealogy, the other his legal father’s genealogy. Matthew traced Jesus legal lineage through Jesus’ legal father Joseph, from David’s son Solomon. (Matthew 1:6) Luke traced Jesus’ natural lineage through his mother Mary, from David’s son Nathan. (Luke 3:31) So Joseph was the son (in law) of Heli. It is significant that the Jews at the time, who disputed everything they could about Jesus, never disputed those genealogies. The public records were there for anyone to check.
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