03-28-2004, 10:59 AM
I know this is not and office prank but it was still funny:
We had a guy where i used to work that was a giant pain in the ass. Always givin people a hard time. He backed his car into his parking place one morning and i told him i heard it was going to snow that day and he probablly shouldnt park on that much of an incline as it might be hard to get out tonight.
He pretty much told me to mind my own business and that his car would have no trouble getting out even if it did snow and into work he went.
Beside our building they were doin some work and there were bricks laying around. So i took 2 and placed them up against his front tires. well it did snow. about 5 inches that day. I told a few of the guys what i had done and countnt wait for ass clown to show everyone how his car could get right out.
He comes out and starts it up. of course hes just spinin away and going nowhere. finally he gets out and asks me and the others for a push. Sorry gota go and we all left.
The next morning he comes in pissed beyond belief tellin us he called a wreaker and when the wreaker pulled him out his car jumped over some bricks. Said he was looking to get his 50.00 back out someones ass. lol.
He told that story for the next 2 years i worked there. It got funnier every time he told it. Sometimes id say...hey tell them about that brick deal just because i wanted him to tell it. Talk about the laugh that lived on and on.