02-13-2002, 08:23 AM
Actually Albert, there has been extensive study outside of the "church" from independant researchers that don't just take the word in the bible as truth -- they look to find corraborating data, which is truthfully very hard considering all those that have been in power have always sought to destroy those accounts that differ from theirs... (including our 'turn the other cheek' christians) I say look past the bible, there is NOTHING outside of it that backs it up. However, if you look at contemporary writers of the time of jesus (i will not call him the christ because if you would do research you'd find there were many at that time calling themselves christs) such as Hermes Trigmosdus and Josephus, you'll see alot of the 'HARD FACTS' of the bible are not told of elsewhere. Hmmmm, sorry.
How do you research the bible outside of the bible? From other sources. Too bad no other source backs it up. About the dead sea scrolls, read them again. Heard of the Gospel of Thomas? Or of Mary? Guess not, or you'd know that the dead sea scrolls do NOT agree with the NT. Nope. They more coincide with another work called the Gnostic Gospels that was also kept out of the 'mainstream' of the religious pulse of the ages, and thusly wasn't edited into the fictional crap we read today... Heard of the Gnostics? They were the followers of the true word of jesus, not the fanatical literalists that would hunt them to near descructions in the 300s, and later again in the 1100s (heard of the Cathars?)
Sorry you guys, it sounds like all you can do is spew what you learned at church. Dig deeper and research. Trust me, it's out there, if you are honest with yourself and want to find it.
By the way, I will happily provide research books and other materials to those that would like to look more into things and see the real truth behind religion. it's not to disprove those that would blindly follow crap, it's to show the real message behind things.
One final thing. God DID create evil... he created everything right? Yep. or if you want to concede that he didn't that's cool too. He created Man, Adam, and even good ol' Lucifer, and he created all of the feelings, wants, desires, everything. Sorry pal, either he created EVERYTHING, or he didn't. he didn't just create the good things, and 'someone else' created the bad. You sound silly.