02-13-2002, 10:49 AM
never heard of that stony. I can't say anything about that stuff, that predates any of the research i've done or read about, I just know that the proof that remains that doesn't include the bible surely points to the bible being a work of fiction. It's great propaganda, no doubt, but no more. and I would think that the word of God would be more intuitive anyway -- would god condone so easily the extermination (genocide) of certain races, vengence (it's his, but since it's bad, he's doing something bad? or is it because he does it, it's not bat? -- double standard), slavery, women not being equal to men -- funny thing here is that in the VERY early church there are records still that show of priestesses... but since our earliest biblical writings date from 150 - 300 AD there seems to be a very concerted effort to remove women from the overall scheme of things. I mean... Father, Son, ... Holy Spirit... how about Father, Mother, Son? They can't have that, it's too Pagan. Christianity knew in its infancy that pagans at that time knew the truth about them and how their feats in the fictional book called the bible weren't true, so they took over or killed off all things Pagan to fix that...
the day we celebrate jesus' birthday was a huge pagan celebration before then. by the by, alot of quotes attributed to jesus in the NT are carved in stone on isian and osirian temples in egypt (funny, that's where he was in his missing years too, hmmmmm) .... perhaps he could have been an isian priest.... alot of his ritualistic question marks that make no sense in the bible (prompting his disciples on more than one occasion to proclaim "we know not what he means" were actually rites and rituals of that religion -- the spikenard feet washing is one of them) ... fear that jesus stole his beliefs from a DOCUMENTED religion that was way older than his.
why would that not come out until now, you'd say? actually, much of that has been known, but only in the non-christian world, which figures. (christians will say, "they are against us, so OF COURSE they'll have the proof"...)
I'm just tired of christians KNOWING they are the true religion. that's SO presumptious, and cannot CANNOT *CANNOT* be proven in any way, and never will. The rapture described in revelations? not in our lifetimes, of course, so don't worry about it.
[This message has been edited by The Bishop (edited February 13, 2002).]