02-13-2002, 12:37 AM
Jesus was a Buddhist. When Jesus was a teenager(Omitted from the bible) he traveled to India and learned buddhism, particulary meditation - saw this on the History channel, and it makes sense.
It is possible that Jesus could have healed the sick. Th Human mind is capable of so much that if we all learned to use it, it would literally shock existence into another plain...
Remeber the story of Jesus in the desert for forty days n nights...he was meditating, getting into his sub-conscious. The snake that came upon Jesus was only a figure of his imagination: right and wrong, good vs evil, etc. Jesus always told people that they can do just as him. When he refers himself as the son of god, he means he is the son of existence - life - not a figure in the sky. Jesus was a good person who tried to better the world, unfortunatly, his image and teachings were distorted. Just my 2 cents on this...