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Location: Providence, RI USA
Default 02-12-2002, 09:03 AM

whats so 'low-end' about his machine? dont forget that this quake III engine is over a year old. when it came out a 1Ghz machine with a 64 Mb vid card was rockin. you guys with your 'dude, you need to upgrade' comments need to learn how to tweak and maintain a machine better. anybody can buy a geforce 3 and an athlon XP 1600+, but it takes knowledge to get a game to run well on a machine with only average specs. I built a dual PIII 550 machine with a Geforce 2 pro 32mb and 256 mb pc100 for a buddy who does graphic design work and he plays the Omaha level with great FPS (40-60).
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