Thread: Far Cry
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Default 03-29-2004, 04:03 PM

i have it and it is great, and it already has a patch out, its not boring at all, the AI is pretty cool, they call for back-up and use tatics when coming for ya
the game is really cool, i've found you can actually shoot the fish swimming around in the water and they float to the top, even shot a bird out of the air and there are wild boars that roam around, its fun to chase them with the machette and then kill them
driving vehicles can be hard at times , but still cool
the maps are huge, more than 1 way to go through a mission
oh and if a bad guy is wearing body armor, it take several shots to kill them or just a head shot, and when ya get a head shot with the M-4 the guy almost does a back flip, its pretty cool
well i haven't did much MP in it cause there are only a few right now that have a ping under 100 for me, but i am west coast, so anybody east should find more servers than me
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