02-12-2002, 02:23 AM
I have yet to see anything I can cite as a true case of cheating. I have seen claims, but none so far have been credible, in my opinion, and nobody has yet surfaced with evidence that cheating in Medal of Honor (outside version 1.0 cheating) exists.
There are lag issues that sometimes goof with the game, and the occassional bugs that crop up, but I have yet to experience anything *too* major.
I have seen *plenty* of accusations, of course. Just after the 1.1 patch came out, on a 1.1 server, some fellow was racking up a few kills. He was a good player, very skillful ... but then one of his victims started complaining that he was using an aimbot. Once the one whiner complained, several started to complain and hassle the guy. And on it went.
Hey, you know, sometimes a player is just good.