Thread: Far Cry
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geRV is Offline
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Default 03-30-2004, 01:47 PM

Well got finsihed aquiring it this morning and played it for quite a while today. sleeping:

30 fps in most outdoor areas with the pc in my sig, thats with everything maxed though so it doesn't suprise me. Funny thing is the hl-2 alpha actually runs better than this on my pc and thats not optomized for anything yet, speaks volumes...

For people praising the ai, the ai is nothing special. They do the same things weve all seen before in games like moh:aa and rtcw. The problem with this games ai is it reminds me of the snipers in the snipertown level in mohaa, you can be laying prone not moving in about 3 feet of grass and they all of a sudden can spot you. Turn on "realistic" setting and this increases 10 fold with the added bonus of their smgs turning into railguns from literally hundreds of yards away.

Sure they dive about and take cover but most of the time if they know where you are all they'll do is come charging round a corner where you can just sit back and kill them with ease. I had one thing happen where an ai enemy lobbed a grenade at me, it hit off something and landed beside 3 other ai's, all they did was stop moving and let it blow them to shit. oOo:


^ Thats another one of my favourites the enemy that loves nothing better than to run on the spot into a tree while his buddies are getting wasted.

The game looks good but not exactly what i would call real, it has an almost "too colourful" look to it and ends up looking rather cartooney than anything resembling realism. To be honest im still more impressed with the graphics in the leaked doom 3 alpha than i am with the graphics in this game.

The audio is ok but as ydiss pointed out having enemys shouting such shit like "im gonna shoot you in duh head" just sounds stupid.

I suppose this is a game for those that are gonna bust a load over the visuals, but the ai is cheezy and the game runs like a dog in most areas. Turning the gfx settings down makes the game looks like total ass as well so you have the option of playing it with everything up full dropping frames left and ruight and having to put up with sluggish controls and the moonwalk hop, or turning everything down and having the game look like total ass and taking away the only thing the game has going for it, that being its visuals.

Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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