02-12-2002, 04:58 AM
actually WRONG. There IS camping in the game.
For instance, in The Hunt the American objective is destroying the 88 Gun, and a secondary objective might be considered destroying the enemy soldiers in the area.
Someone who climbs up into the very first building and sits there until they are they only one left on their team, and STILL sits there until the enemy soldiers finally find them and blow them up with a grenade is a Camper! Get over it.
It slows the game down. It is completely unproductive in terms of supporting and helping their team, except for an occasional kill, usually too late to do any good.
Of COURSE there is a difference between camping and being careful or defending the objective by staying back and waiting for the enemy to come to you. And of course many people moan and gripe about "campers" because the griper happened to die early and is bored wating for the end game to play out.
But you definately have games where there is one or two guys left on each side and they all just sit there until time runs out.
MOHAA is NOT World War II, it is a game with objectives and one in which we all play for fun. Campers are boring.
As for sniping, you rarely had 7 scopes in a one acre forward combat area like you do in this game. Sniping was part of the war in Europe. But it was not part of EVERY fire fight!
Anyway, "sniping" actually meant ANYONE firing from a distance on an exposed position. Only a small population were actual scoped marksman.
I don't mind snipers so much, except on Omaha where it destroys the original intent of the map. But it does get old when you have half the players in a game with scopes - scopes that are totally unrealistic and basically are just a super computer zoom that gives someone a ridiculous advantage over other players.
[This message has been edited by Die Fledermause (edited February 12, 2002).]