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Spineharvester[GF] is Offline
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Default 02-13-2002, 11:10 AM

OMFG....this is some how hard to understand? I guess this is now a direct example of why people join objective servers and fart around and piss people off. Same as in CS when I use to play that...terrorsits camping the spawn on Dust...if anyone knows what I am talking about then they know how frustrating this is. What ends up happening...he does nothing to help his team...he is a complete idiot newb who thinks that camping his spawn will some how protect him more....he waste the time of his teammates and the others by sitting there doing nothing. End result team loses and he is punked by an over whelming force...or they let the time run out and they still lose.

If you want to sit in the corner with your gun and think that this stealthy move is going to somehow make you better...go for it. You will will sit there being bored and wasting everyone's time and you will be gang raped by the remainder of the team, and wont have a prayer. It is that simple you don't support your team that is one less gun to suppress the enemy or make them shoot at multiple targets...instead you stay back and hide like a retarded coward only to see multiple attackers swarm on your precious hiding spot and destroy you...and usually humiliate you while they bash you with pistols laughing as they know your a newb. Real helpful and you did not do a damn thing to complete the objective, just embarasse yourself and make people laugh at you.

Let me spell this out to you people...and those of you that have shit 56k who think that excuses you to ignore objectives.

There are four types of maps in this game.

Death Match
Team Death Match

and (horns)


You can camp to your little lifes content on the other 3....but on OBJECTIVE you have guess what...yep an OBJECTIVE to accomplish! Why is this soo fucking hard to understand?

Here is a definition of objective so that the campers understand. Also no an Axis player on Omaha or V2, CAN NOT be a camper as they are trying to defend.

Function: noun
Date: 1835
1 : a lens or system of lenses that forms an image of an object
2 a : something toward which effort is directed : an aim, goal, or end of action b : a strategic position to be attained or a purpose to be achieved by a military operation

I hope that this is crystal clear and that you understand something, that is plain and simple but for some reason or excuse people can't understand this.

Also you come to my clans server and camp on the beach with you stupid sniper rifle and not help the people trying to get to the guns...your ass is booted.

Class dismissed.

"Listen up you stinking maggots. It seems you just don't get it. Well, I've been appointed to inform ya', your days are numbered. You would cry, you would scream if you knew half the things I've seen. Please please just do as I say. Repent and leave your evil ways." - Clutch
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