Thread: gg jesus
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Default 04-02-2004, 03:50 PM

Originally Posted by "Garry Coleman":8f9e8
Originally Posted by Pyro
Originally Posted by wintersforge
Originally Posted by Pyro
You have no knowlelieve of any of the other christian religions then. Only Catholics believe in purgortory.
wrong....orthodox jews believe in purgatory..they call it Gehenom...shuteth thy hole sleeping:
at least I dind't have the conclusion that if you dont' believe in purgortory you can't believe in God.
Do you know what a "simile" is? Cause that was what i was using as a comparison. I was trying to say that I believe in purgatory just as much as I believe in God. I never said anything about other Christian views of purgatory---frankly, i don't give a damn what they think. I've got my ways, and they have theirs.
You only have you ways because your paretns forced them upon you when your mind was impressonable[/quote:8f9e8]I cannot deny that. But I still enjoy my religion now...I'm a very happy being a Catholic and don't plan on going "religion shopping" anytime soon. People don't understand how I feel as a Catholic--I strongly believe in everything and now that I'm at the age to SELECT if I do agree with the morals (Only thing that I disagree with is that you are not allowed to wack yourself....anyway biggrin: ). I find my religion to be very comforting to a point where it gets me through things that I don't know how I would have ever gotten through. So don't tell me that the ONLY reason that I'm a Catholic today is that my parents raised me as one. I choose to go to church every week and sometimes during the week because I like it. People like you really piss me off because all you think that only old people can be religious and young kids are only the way they are due to their upbringing.

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