02-13-2002, 01:22 AM
No, I am not missing the point. In war and in this game there are chickenshits, retards, cowards and yellowbellies as well as good fighters.
I agree with the fact that the last person on your team should have tried to complete the mission but I dont think that is a case of sniping or camping. That is just a kid that doesnt know how to play the game. Or a kid who knows how to play that just wants to piss you off. I equate him to the guys that run around shooting teamates and throwing hand grenades in a room full of friendly's. I am strictly talking about it being perfectly fine for members of a team to sit in the boat and snipe germans while other team members charge the beach. That is what spine bitched about and that is what I was referring to.
As far as there being too many, that can be said with a whole team full of machine gunners and a but load of bazooka men. The winning team will be the one with the strategy that balances these resources. Unless there is a few thousand machine gunners charging the beach as was the case in the real battle you will need some snipers and bazooka men helping out. While I am on the subject why is it ok for snipers to "defend" but not be an integral part of the attack? Pot calling the Kettle if you ask me.
Quit crying and just die already!