04-04-2004, 03:58 PM
My families got a pretty good military history record too, but not much recently. No relatives in Desert storm 1 or 2 and no one in the service today. My dad didnt serve in Vietnam because of his eyesight, his uncle was in Korea, my grandfather was in WW2 and his relatives died in Belgium, the Atlantic, Guadalcanal and in Burma, his father was in WW1 and his brother was in Russia with the American expedition to fight the Red Army. his uncle was in the Phillipines in the Spanish American war. My Grandma has a photograph book of her relatives who were in the civil war, i dont recall their names though. One of them was in the navy and I have his sword mounted on my wall. She has a more detailed account on who was who and where and she can trace her family back to Munich, 14th century. My moms family doesnt have a detailed account, but her dad told me of 2 relatives that were in Santa Annas army at the Alamo and another one at Buena Vista. No one in my family was at the battle of Puebla, which is celebrated by Cinco de Mayo today, but we have family friends who had relatives there.