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Re: Pacific Assault player names...
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Default Re: Pacific Assault player names... - 04-14-2004, 10:34 PM

[quote="Sgt Stryker":9d656]OK, when Pacific Assault comes out what do you think most people will choose as their names?

Will there still be hordes of Vassili Jackson 101st n00bs running around?
Will they choose characters from the latest (and lamest) PTO films: Thin Red Line and Windtalkers?
Will they fall back on the classics? I can't bear to see dozens of John M. Strykers running around, each next one ten times worse at the game than the previous. I can just imagine how many people wil have 1st Marines or Marine Raiders in their name (possibly the same guys who had 101st or 2nd Rangers in MOHAA and CoD )[/quote:9d656]

i'm gonna be capt audrey hepburn it's gonna rox