Ex girlfriend talk -
04-15-2004, 02:54 AM
Do any of you ever talk to your ex? I dont mean fight and cuss eachother out, just keep in touch every now and then you know? My girl tore my heart out and tossed it away after 4 and a half years and for some reason we talk every now and then. I spend the first year afterwards pissed and angry at her, but i guess i wasnt really. Even though i have a girl now (who would kill me if she found out i still talked to her), i still find some kind of deep satisfaction talking to her again. She calls just to check up and see how I am and we both try to avoid the part about our end. Oh well. How many of you dicks got hurt by women? Its weird how the first ones are always the best when you are this young. Just take it each day I guess and some day you will get over it. I will expect some answers from some of you married old timers because you should have gone through this shit already. Thanks for hearing me out, now get the hell out of my thread.