Thread: Reconstruction
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Default 05-03-2004, 07:50 AM

Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
so, im the only one who sees a problem with the whole account loss thing?
i disagree with the deletion of all accounts. i dont see how this will help. get rid of the ban list, i dont understand how that would help, other than to give easier access to the asshats who hacked us. but for the love of god do not delete the accounts. and having only 1 mod? no. too much for 1 guy, and that would also make it easier for some1 to hack us. ever heard of safety in numbers, my friend? BS could easily make a new password without having to be alone in moderating this site. deleting every post would also not help. What you are suggesting here, zen, is communism, and by makin BS the only mod, you are simply opening the oor to more abuse and hacking.
You didnt read and understand, as prescripted.
Removing the accounts will make the site flow better and load faster, since a whole bunch of the turds signed up doesnt even come here anymore.
And regarding the moderator thing; Its only for a while, to make sure that no-one except BS will have the proper passwords and allowance to do these kind of things.

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