Thread: Reconstruction
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Default 05-03-2004, 07:57 AM

Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
then delete the accounts that havent been used in the past, like, 2 months or summat. still i dont see why it would help to have only 1 mod. why? we can have all the old mods, just new passwords and stuff for them if th old ones were leaked.
That is why they have to be deleted first. If any of the accounts is still in the system, and has access to the Admin password, he will not be able to know which one it is. And out of safety purpose, the mods must be removed for a while, and then reinstated, once things have been sorted.
Never did he say that they should be deleted for good.

And you must have mixed communism and capitalism up.
The communism class system is based upon the thought of equality. In other words, we would all be moderators, if this was a communistic forum.

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