Thread: Reconstruction
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Zen is Offline
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Default 05-03-2004, 08:08 AM

Right, I get what you guys are saying in terms of the banlist. Let me explain my thought process on that..... To elimainate a threat or neusence you have to route out the source. We could ban proxies for years and it still would not resolve the matter. It would only cause more attacks.

The way I see it, a new start, to include those who have been previolsly banned, could be just the gesture to make a difference. I am willing to bet the banlist is 95% proxies anyway, and only 1-2% not from the revolutions.

As far as the accounts go, I am sure the 69ers would be somewhat apprehensive about it, but we all know post counts and join dates dont mean shit. We only have about 60-100 regular posters, the rest are smurfs and inactive members. Cleaning house completely would be much easier than deciding on a account by account basis.

As far as passwords and modship are concerned, all should be removed and even BSs own account. This should be done to eliminate the possibillity of passwords and user accounts from containing leaked information. New Mods and admins can be reinstated after everything is set up, with the upmost discression used in the not only the selection of those possitions, but also in the selection of their passwords.

I am not saying that BS should do all the modding himself, I am just saying that without knowing how or who leaked information the easiest solution would be to clean it all out and start over.

This is just an idea, I doubt it will be followed up on, and I am glad to see coments about it.
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