Thread: Reconstruction
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Zen is Offline
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Default 05-03-2004, 01:31 PM


The deletion of posts and of accounts has two purposes. By deleting both you not only make this site clean and easy to alter, but you also have a empty user base, making it easy to determine how many user you have and getting rid of unneeded smurfs and inactive accounts.

Here is why you shouldn't do one and not the other:

With all accounts deleted, but some posts remaining you would have posts by guests, I can type up the same thing as before under a new account just as why leave any posts?

With all posts deleted, but some accounts remaining you would show that some people are more important than others, it would be unfair to everyone. Do we have anyone who could not register again?

I go through the old posts all the time, and it's great to reminise, but its an online forum, not the familly photo album.
A clean and empty site would be easier to upgrade, and offer a new page in history if you will for all users.

I dont think that deleting it all and begining anew is giving up, I see it as quite the opposite. I see it as a chance to move forward and move in new directions.
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