Thread: Reconstruction
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Zen is Offline
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Default 05-03-2004, 01:41 PM

Missed an issue.....

The banlist is debatable, no doubt, and there are different ways to look at the same problem.

I think it was Bane that had the idea of creating a html block until post count reached a certain number, and it's a great idea. But it doesn't solve the issue, it only offers one more obsticle for potential attakers.

The banning is ineffective, Im sure we can all see that. It only stops an attacker until he gets anouther proxy. Now if there is a method that stops all proxies, then you have a good defence system.

Outside of that, it seems to me the best chance to stop attackers would be to eliminate the need for attacking.
And your right Static, I may be too nice. I have been accused of that before, nothing new, lol.
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