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Maj.Stoner is Offline
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Location: Kalifornia
Default 02-13-2002, 07:42 AM

I came across what i think was a cheat. cause it happend 3 times.
in the cross roads i went through a door and saw a frozen axis soldier standing on a balcony. I fired at him ..2 full mags mind you and nothin.. just a frozen player..My first thought was that the guy was lagged out and it was just a glich...i then got blasted from the back. I don'r remeber exatly the users name it was something nazi etc I revived and imeditly ran across a field next to a wagon.. again.. a frozen axis player (same skin) standing on the wheel of the wagon.. fired a bunch of shots at him point blank,and nothin. yet again.. got blasted in the back..grrr Nazi something has killed me again...right after reviving..(now when you reveive in the game it places you with your other team mates and separates you from the enemy) ive noticed that in the cross roads there is not ONE spawing point, so i know it wasn't a camper...i spawned in the water tunnel and saw YET AGAIN.. a frozen axis player (same skin) i shot at him a few times then said fuck it and avoid him and ran off.

as i was running back up the stairs a fellow team mate ran past me... i turned back to see if he would see the frozen player.. i hid behind the wall a leaned over and saw him blasting away with his Thompson. 2 mags i saw.. then Blamo!! Nazi something (i can't remeber his name)killed my team mate. ARE PEOPLE USING DECOYS!?!?!?

I don't know what was up but it was VERY strange..


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