Thread: Reconstruction
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Tripper is Offline
General of the Army
Posts: 18,895
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Default 05-04-2004, 12:14 AM

Meh... I know I probably wouldn't bother re-signing up my account and building up my profile here if my profile was deleted.

....Because, as pathetic as it sounds, I spent alot of time getting this post count up, and I don't know why, but I'd feel naked without it.

Alot of the main posters, and longest "serving" members only return to this site because they have 2,000+ post counts, and because it's almost habit.

When I look at my post count, I remember 3 years of my life that I have spent here. If you get rid of that, it's like it never happened, and I have nothing to show for the hours on end that I have spent posting on these forums.

.....As pathetic as it sounds, this is how I feel. I reckon alot of others feel the same way.
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