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Dedicated sh server.. HARDWARE?? HELP PLS!
TWA--(-NVC-) is Offline
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Default Dedicated sh server.. HARDWARE?? HELP PLS! - 05-05-2004, 07:57 AM

Hi all.

We are about to setup a dedicated server for spearhead. But it seem like we cant decide what hardware to buy.
We want a server which can run 20 players in free4all and max 20-25 in team death match.

Our connection is a 10MBit/10MBit.
So far we have put together 2 sysems on the paper, but we cant decide.

System 1:
AMD XP Barton 2500+
Kingston 512 PC 3200
Abit VA-10 MotherB.

System 2:
P4 2.4 1MB
Kingston 512 PC2700
Abit SG-72 MotherB.
Both system will be running windows server 2000.

We hope that you will help us make the best choice. And if you should have som alternatives we'll be very glad if you would share them with us.

Kind regards TWA
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