02-13-2002, 02:03 AM
Im thinking of making a Bastogne map. Bear with me, might confuse some of you.
Set up: Allies start in Forest, Germans as well. In the middle of the Forest is open area. Once Allies capture flag in open area, They own area and respawn there, while Germans are spawned back further from forest into town. Once Allies get into German forest, game switches to Objective with no respawn. Germans then spawn behind town. While Allies spawn in German forest.
Mission becomes: Allies must Desrtroy 88's and capture center of the town of FOY.
I would also add German mission: To destroy Allied command post at begining of Allied forest. Game does not end if Germans accomplish misison. I would set it up so if Germans destroy Allied command post, Allies stop re-spawing, while Germans still respawn. This way, destroying command post is like taking away re-enforcements for Allies(No radio to call for help). I know, it sounds complicated...