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Default 05-06-2004, 02:45 PM

as a leafs fan i can honestly say that we did NOT deserve to win game 6... we had ample chances and could not capitalize on them, and yet another poor performance by the defense... some people think we played 2 good games (3 & 4), but really it was philly that played 2 shitty ones, they outplayed us in the series overall... time for a new coach eh? and maybe some new blood, and by new i mean younger...

Tampa will skate circles around philly, and will likely render thier physical play useless, i say they win it in 6 at the most...

I too will jump on the flames-wagon, and become an honorary Flames fan (if ninty will have me) as they have a great chance of going all the way...

well another season is over, and our hopes once again dashed... if this team was anywhere but toronto, the seats would be empty, and the team bankrupt, but i guess a litle blind faith never hurts...
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