05-06-2004, 06:42 PM
I think they should definetly stick with being able to carry the wounded, in both SP and MP...It'll add major realism to the game as well as a really cool aspect to the game. Here's what one guy had to say about it...and I definetly agree with him:
Ive heard certain rumers that your are toying with the idea of carrying wounded teammates out of battle and into safety in the MP and SP modes.
If you at EA are planning on scrapping this idea, stop to think about this.
Two people who have never met, talked, or much less heard of each other happen to be playing a multiplayer game of the newly-released MOH:PA. One of them attempts to make a mad dash for a trench somewhere on Guadalcanal, and gets a bullet right through the shoulder.
The second player calls for the soldiers already in the trench to lay down suppresion fire. Next, Joe Nobody leaps out of the trench, dashes across the field to the wounded player, props him onto his shoulder, and races back to the trench.
The wounded player is sitting in front of his PC, and thinks "My god, if I were really on Guadalcanal, and really wounded, that stranger would have saved my life!"
Something just happened that has never happened in a multiplayer game before; the player actually CARED for another player, and saved his life.
This type of thing never appears in any other game out there. I love Day of Defeat, in fact, I was just playing it a minute ago, but if I'm waiting for a sniper spot, an the player in the spot gets killed, I wouldn't care; I'd just hop into my new spot. Even the Famous Call of Duty, while definitely providing gripping fast-paced multi-player, couldn't reach this new level of immersion. [/quote:8adb0]
Seriously, MOHTeam, don't let EA put this down