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Default 05-06-2004, 06:57 PM

I also came up with that idea one night just dreaming of many things, only i think it should be a cross from RtCW. When u get shot you go to limbo, er (wait to respawn) and while you are waiting your character is still alive and can be saved my a medic, but the carying the player to safety by a teammate would be essential. Other mates can carry you to a secured location where a medic class player might be, the medic could then patch you up and you can respawn before the next wave. I also thought of mobile MG42s and how (if available) should have a 2nd person to help you. You know how 1 guy shoots the other feeds the ammo. It should be like you go prone, set your bipod down, and open fire, only the gun would jam every now and then. To prevent jams you could make a second player lie down next to you and press the use key to help feed the ammo to prevent a jam. I doubt that any of those ideas can be used though due to the games current state and radical nature of the ideas.

Also maybe something easier to have, throwing back of grenades maybe? biggrin: Thats so much fun in DoD.
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