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Neo Nazi Hitler is Offline
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Default 05-07-2004, 05:32 PM


I think they photoshopped those images of the girl in there though.

Mainly because the photoshop 'expert' was like, "either they actually captured the picture of a ghost, or they used some technique I don't know about."

Wtf, even I could have made it look like some erie dillhole in a window. And that 'photoshop guru' had no clue? Bah! He's in cahoots!


And the photo guy looking at the photos was like, "They're in the negatives too."

But we never actually get to see the negatives.

And that smoke that went by, if they actually did try to fake it, that could easily be done. But if they didn't try to fake it, then it's all true. But that could all easily be done, or not be done, it's hard to tell, you guys know what I'm talkin about.
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